Expert Tested: MAJOR FITNESS Raptor F22 Power Rack Review!

Squat Rack & All-in-One Home Gym (Is It BETTER Than Rogue Fitness!?)

by Alec Enkiri | 12/1/23

I recently received a pretty sweet swag package from a company called MAJOR FITNESS! They sent me a basic barbell, some low bounce bumper plates, and their brand new all-in-one home gym the Raptor F22 Power Rack! So today I'm going to review this equipment and let you guys know what I think of it!

Expert Tested: Tib Bar Review! (The Tib Bar Guy)

A Review & Comparison of the Tib Bar and Solo Tib Bar 

by Alec Enkiri | 6/8/22

I recently received a nice little swag bag from The Tib Bar Guy! He sent me a tib bar and a solo tib bar and he was hoping I would provide you guys with an honest review of the products. I was very excited to test them out and give you guys my thoughts!