Custom Programs & Coaching services
Custom Programs & Coaching services
"Alec single handedly changed my entire perspective on strength training from something that only fat powerlifter guys do to how much it translates into real athleticism and explosive training. Now I feel soo much stronger and more athletic than I ever have after just 6 short months. I look forward to seeing what kind of progress we'll make in just 6 more months!"
"Alec single handedly changed my entire perspective on strength training from something that only fat powerlifter guys do to how much it translates into real athleticism and explosive training. Now I feel soo much stronger and more athletic than I ever have after just 6 short months. I look forward to seeing what kind of progress we'll make in just 6 more months!"
If you have purchased a custom training program or comprehensive coaching package please fill out my prospective client questionnaire (downloadable below) and email the completed form to me at I will be in contact with you within 24 hours regarding the next steps. Please use your real email address during checkout so that I can get in contact with you!
Prospective Client Questionnaire
Prospective Client Questionnaire

Please note that due to the digital nature of the coaching services and training programs I cannot offer any refunds on products that have been purchased or services that have been rendered.