You Should Be Doing More PUSH-UPS
(A Friendly Reminder!)
Alec Enkiri | 10/22/23
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You Should Be Doing More PUSH-UPS!
Pushups make you big and strong and the variety you can get from them is pretty much endless.
You can do heavy weighted push-ups to build epic strength
You can do incline push-ups to nail the upper chest
You can do band resisted push-ups to build massive power
You can do weighted band resisted push-ups to build insane strength AND massive power
You can do plyo push-ups to become an explosive flying machine
You can do diamond push-ups to emphasize the triceps
You can do deficit push-ups to build mobility and emphasize the chest muscles
Push-ups offer nearly endless variation, they are immensely accessible in their most basic forms (zero equipment required and can be done anywhere!), and they can be used to satisfy nearly any training goal for the upper body pressing muscles (strength focus, explosive power focus, hypertrophy focus, muscular endurance focus, etc.
Push-ups teach you to become a master of your own body weight. They are a closed chain pressing movement that can be used as an integral part of maintaining healthy shoulders through a lifetime of training. They also double as a fantastic anti-extension core exercise as the entire movement is essentially one long plank - the intensity of which can become quite pronounced when you start adding external load into the mix. The moral of the story is...